The main reasons you’re not making progress in the gym

The 3 main reasons why people don't make progress with their health and fitness are:

  1. They blame their circumstances on why they’re not going to be successful

  2. They blame other people on why they’re not going to be successful

  3. They don’t take ownership themselves and avoid making the decision

If you know how to move past all 3 of these things, you can achieve any goal, at any time.

At Crux, we use a 5 phase framework that helps people stuck in that rut of disbelief and propel them forwards by making small but consistent progress towards their goal.

Set the baseline

We do this by firstly setting the baseline to see where you’re at and more importantly uncover what exactly we need to improve to get you where you want to be. If you want to improve performance you must first identify the improvements that need to be made, track your progress and report it so that you’re kept accountable to your goals.

Gain momentum

Then we gain momentum. Here we’re aiming for quick wins to keep you motivated and invested in the process. No this doesn’t mean quick weight loss, we look for tangible benefits that provide real-world value like adjusting your nutrition to give you more energy, focusing on improving your sleep for more mental clarity and increasing incidental movement throughout your day for extra calorie burn.

Accelerate your progress

Then we accelerate your progress by making small tweaks to both training and nutrition. By this phase, you’re well and truly seeing both strength and fitness gains and it’s time to tweak your plan to fast forward your progress.

Habit stacking

Here we start to gradually stack the habits, and integrate them into your lifestyle so that your results are long lasting. We focus on building habits around discipline, not habits that feel forced or rigid which we know is only going to result in you going back to your old way of doing this and losing all your progress.


And finally, we reassess. What we track, we can progress. We review your overall performance, recovery and use the data to map out your plan for the next training phase we call “unleashing inner pursuits”.

Interested in personal training at Club Crux? Click here to chat with our Client Success team to see how we can help you with your health and fitness goals.


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